Sunday, March 15, 2009

Victoria Institution Interact Club Treasure Hunt !!!

Before I start i would like to thank MR. WAng for most of the photos,
Thank you Mr. WANg

Wellllllllll, it all started when Ben suddenly invited me to this treasure hunt and I who thought it would be fun joined .

Originally the team was supposed to be made up of Benjamin,Sai Keet,Ching Ku, Ram and myself but THEN, Sai Keet had 2 go for SURGERY !==
then was some cinfusion as to who would be replace him then our team gained some Dragon power in the form of Naga. Our team was then struck again by injury by Lenjin impaling himself with his bike ==

Injuries plagued the team,


Before The Great HUNT,


My school's cross country !!
yes, on a wet day my school had the skills to take a cross country event,
i was trying 2 keep up with Ram ( no 1 ) but lost sight of him at Danau Perdana, where my side stitch started acting up.

Anywayzzz, long story short not top 10, got point for house, came back tired
Naga,I and Ram ran seriously (me and Naga not so), Ben and Lenjin were on their bikes and had a field day taking pics.

OKay, back 2 VI,

MY team kept changing on how we were to meet ==!
first at the bus stop,
then i was 2 pick up ram,
then ram asked me 2 wait at the bus stop (different one) and wait and go from there.

I waited for some time then the hero arrived !

The Kumar

then we waited for the Bus

I DONT know how Ram kept spotting the people going for the VI hunt, he saw Crystal's car and another,
i on both occasions was looking somewhere else which suprises me O.O

Then the bus camE!

At the school bus stop saw Marissa and How Ran, Waved and called them, no response
How Ran like a hero 'looked' but made no reply ==.

The we met up with Ben and Naga and got down at brickfields where we took the monorail!

Ram Stood

I used my time

Were waiting

Then we walked 2 VI which was suprisingly close,

Then LOL, we met nearly all the SMKDP teams at the gate +.+

All so ( no offence ) schoolist

and then Angeline came up to me saying some guy looked like me,

I being slightly annoyed that someone could pull off my sexy look decided 2 register and check it out.

Lo and Behold i saw a (sorry) Fat,dark guy at the place Angie mentioned,

LOL, i Was Furious !

wanted 2 go and start cha'ing' her

but later i found it she was comparing me 2 Issac (not sure)

Check it out


My sexy self

in my opinion




anyway! we registered

and i realised i only knew 1 person from the entire place (not including my school)
WaS Ming Yeang


Proof that i dont hang with interactors =(

AND started !

Okay, Here Ben was so fast lol,
he whipped out his phone and pressed away 2 reveal that we had 2 have 5 sandwhiches and 5 bottles, here my stingy friends ram and lenjin took more than 1 because they were hungry,

NOW HERE's a funny part,

the next clue we got, was immediately hit with WATER !!!
the pic was so screwed!

Our first peek at Parthiban,

then we went looking for him, we ran around and searched, then Ram or Lenjin spotted someone peeking and then ran away, so we gave chase and sadly no one there was our shadow,


the guy in our pic was wearing glasses, and then we were looking for a guy WITH glasses,

then I went to some guy at the stairs with no glasses and asked him JUST FOR FUN
do you know this guy

and his reply

oh, yeah thats me ,


then the next clue which totally cha'ed us
we were thinking then suddenly Lenjin said
Pavillion ?

SO off we rushed, thankfully all the teams were waiting for the monorail !
so no wasted time !

but sadly here three teams didnt get on, Mars's, Dixon's and another school =(

Then we reached Pav and called the base master, Issac was there and gave us some weird puzzle,

we wanted 2 do it in Pav but the guard shooed us

we took some time solving it.
the we were given the next clue

Naga saw this and straight 2 KLCC we went !

Here Ben Crossed the roads so bloody Dangerously (18 SG)

on the way our team split up and took some time getting back 2gether.

around here Ching Ku lost rm 50 !

and also he was holding the egg all the way

when we reached there, we had a hard time finding them in the greenery, then we spotted some other teams getting excited and followed them.

And we had 2 take some PICS !!

i know its unclear so ill mention all the stuff they wanted us to take, (we needed 10/15)
(some of the pics not here)

First of was the ant as it was in front of us (barely visible)

Then this foreigner who was kinda reluctant but was a good sport in the end.

Then here, i took off my shirt for other teams to see my sexiness and bathe in my aura, nah trying say portay heat !

here Naga Hugged a non teammate who was happy to do it !

we all posed with a child (little liverpool fan)

Now the cleaner part was SO Annoying these bitche* think they are so hot that they don't want to pose with us. Asked another lady then said Bluntly CANNOT,
as if anyone but us would take your butt ugly pics
Another part that pised me off whas when this annoying BItC* from another team told the cleaners dont take pics with other teams in front of us,

and dude i RESPECT the guy cleaners cos they were man wnought to take pics with us
i salute YOU DUDES !

Human PyRaMiD !!

Not What it seems!

Something Funny !

compare the pics, ram and naga's pose


so basically ill write it all down

take a pic with

1. with a tourist /
2. flowing water / (in the loo)
3. with a cleaner /
4. time / (the KLCC had the time)
5. KLCC /
6. with a child /
7. hugging with a non team mate /
8. local icon
9. an ant /
10.something famous /
11. a guy in pink ( i dont trust you pink shirt wearing guys!)
12. a team photo in a mirror / (again in the loo)
13. a bird
14. something funny // (double check)
15. hot (my sexy topless pic) ///
16. cold /
17. health / (Naga was pumping)
18. not what it seems / (humping the tree)
19. Human pyramid /
20. Heart

and the next clue !

in the middle of the valley ,
where else,
the only mall i know VERY WELL like it was my own house ,

Here, instead of Ben, Naga RAN across the road so dangerously, not as dangerous as Bne but still!

we took the bus LRT i think then had to make one huge turn at central to get the bus,
me and Naga rushed 2 get some drinks which were finshed on the bus straight away.

AND ON the bus on the way to MV, we say HINDRAF, all filing police reports, later found out 17 were arrested.

so funny lol, we went to JUsco after the call to the base master.
then i got seperated on the wrong floor, ram called me 2 go up,
i went up out of jusco and saw Ming,
then had to go back in jusco and tell the guys,

and BOOM 1st place (behind the seniors of VI) at 1.13 p.m !

woah were we tired so we crashed at


here some stuff happened,
there was a BAPUK!

Lenjin who didnt see the bapuk eating at the other side of us (behind the thin wall) started shouting Hey DId you ALL see The BAPUK ?

all started staring at the floor,

Naga then dissapeared for a while.
then another team came and kurang ajar with us, asking us what time we got in, obviously we told them , and they did not tell us theirs

come one, i know we didn't tell them the right time but please .

some pics


Double Ben,

Ben, ME , NagA

Our super tall shadow PARTHIBAN !

dey guys HE KNOWS RAGU AND HATES HIM 2 !!!!!

Ramkumar, SMile!

then we went 2 the food court and met most of the other shadows having lunch, Parthiban then joined some of them for a game of pool,

we (the team) went our seperate ways (ben,ram=reload touch and go)
(chingKu+naga= toyshop with model cars)
I= carrefour buying 7up revive

after this unloading and restocking,

we headed out to the meeting point,

WE were Itching like crazy to go asking Ming every 30 seconds,

Now lar Ming
Not yer , 5 more mins
Now lar Ming,
how long ago you asked me
Now lar Ming, 4 more min
went on an on
Now lar Ming,
1 more min
Now Lar Ming
ok here is the clue

Echo echo echo,
Echo Park!

we were like no one
would be able to guess this fast so we got to the basemaster and took the next clue and went one floor down,
answer was g2000, i never knew there was such a shop, luckily Naga knew,

there we met another basemaster who took our pic and gave us the next clue with some letters

Arnold = California governer, Fitness , what else,
California Fitness,
we knew the answer and wanted to rush but then i said tell the guy lar, luckily i did as then he gave us 2 letters
Hamzah was inside,
gave us a c
clue to QUicksilver then we were asked to find the dangerous guy

Ming Yeang, duh
who shirt said
but then

we saw from afar that something was wrong at FOS,
so we looked for Ming from afar but couldn't spot him,
so i told the guys to chill 1st as i didnt want to go there and cause more trouble,

it seems security had a problem with us =)
and Ming was settling it =)
then =0
we had 2 restart everything at central market

we were a bit amused
when Hamzah came to us saying no one told him that they had left MV
Sorry Boss!

then at Central Market, we rested a bit

most of the competitors,

then we were to go 2 KFC,
we went there then we went IN, cos Arvind was up there, then he said he was not the guy, and the guy was outside !

then we had 2 find a black sphere, i was completely blur, then we walked 2 the post office and saw some black sphere, then started shouting to the team where it was, saw Reshan rushing there and his FACE LOL< SO serious! like he was going to kill and the guys told me to Run and get there first whihc i did by a few seconds. Isaac, the base master was there and told us

Here we had to take pics representing the continents

North America yes ?

Here all of us were acting like the statue of liberty, well except Naga who was acting like the statue of liberty putting on her gown, XD

Footie Nation

Aweeeeeabambaway (lion King song) AfriCa

Asians, aiyaaa Ben messed up the Chinese pose =( eyes must be pulled more !

Jump little Kangaroo's

The freezing antartic

Now either we screwed the previous so we made these or those =)

Then We were sent 2 BangKok Bank, here i nearly thought we were screwed cos we needed the guys name ,

the look on Parthiban's face was priceless, it was saying DAMN Hope Hope Hope

luckily we got it on the second try.

Then ahhahahahahaha here was where we got screwed BADLY
rearrange this into one word

We should have listened carefully here, when Ming kept saying the answer is one-word

Shoulda listened but i kept shifting the cards so fast,
then asked Ming need 2 care about the blank then he said dont care so i started making words without the blank,



Then Ram figured it out and of we went back to the school after getting


and on the way

we died already

NO energy edi

so we walked

and on the way

1) passed a movie underway
2) saw some guys in the police station in handcuffs
3) red light district (didnt really turn to look)

and when we reached VI's gate we saw Yen's team, no mood edi so we said, let them win la, and made our way to the historial place thing,

then we had 2 go to the WALL

here suddenly me,wang and ram had semangat and made one last dash to the wall, ram so semangated urged us on,

BUt when we reached Reshan was taking down the treasure box =(
Congrats! btw
Second, not bad for a newbie team (excluding Ben)

the seniors looking down at us =)
(they were first btw, but not really competing)

And the best part our team was Having so much fun on the way joking like there is no tommorow, didnt take it SO seriously

then we walked back with reshan's team i was in the lead because i needed WATER !!

we were SO WAsted after the competition, proof? check out my face

Even Ram had to rehydrate

Then we noticed our dirty shadow and his accomplice staring at the MGS girls whose shirts from an angle portrays PROfanity


then we lepaked a lot at the canteen repleneshing our energy,

then we had some pics

Spot me

VII Boss Arvind

Energy back for a few!

then a snake appeared out of nowhere and dissaperad into the 'post' which was a pleasant surprise, wanted 2 take a pic so started saying Vetenarion coming throught but was too late

Kath and peter taking turns putting their hands up

Then we returned to the place where it all started,

then here they announced the runners up and the winners!

Look at where they are looking!

we were the runners up, i think naga or someone else has the pic

the winners

then THis was so messed up

the eggs we were given was for a lucky draw,

my group whose egg was perfect was put into the contest
then suspense

the winner is



LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLll 1 word again messed us !
We were group 6 btw =)

Here Naga is, hugging the hamper

They actually wanted each group leader 2 come up and give a speech,

so Yen got the ball rolling

she is giving a speech, not sneezing =)

then we were like all of us go la, then suddenly no more speeches =(
if we went, lol dont know what we would say,

oh and btw, there was some shooting going on at VI

so we were asked 2 be quiet for a few minutes

then we had some group pics

Must look closely at all the faces !




Group with Ming and Jor



And then we went back after a whil, my team was last,
went back with naga and his dad

had some interesting conversations including GPS systems,
i find the GPS amusing if it were to suddenly screw you,

NOT that left, you incompetant human


then my mum says Ashvin faster get ready were going out

i was so dead

but it was nice, a slept in a fancy restraunt

the highlight there was this awesome mint with lemon drink

i look so defeated