Sunday, October 26, 2008

Scorcher + Sick. Combo surely to be missed !



HOT !!!

Yo World, i am so SICK< i mean one day i am as fit as a fiddle, the next, im dead,
it all started when i was getting home from somewhere, the air conditioner there was quite cold, then i went back my bus and walked home, omg the sun was scorching hot, like god had a magnyfying glass pointed at me, so i winded up at home sleeping for 6 hours, now im awake at 1.33 a.m thinking that i was asleep for a long time, but i am so wrong, im so sick and bored that this is my first Deepavali sick, well thats all for now, lights out


Saturday, October 11, 2008


I regretabbly inform you that this blogger will not be updating his blog from the
13th till the 30th as this blogger will be facing one of his worst nightmare which is

Another update, i got

after i got FED UP of people asking me whether i have an account there, so you ADD me, as i have an irrataion adding people, prefer if people add me,
So far, so weird, dont really get facebook much

Everyone studied their heads off for this unlike myself,

All were in



So Sad, Wish me THE Best of Luck guys,,,,,,, im going to need it



You canT Bet on it

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Awkward experience

In case you didnt know ,its the fifth of October !

Well 2day my english course, course NOT class ( nearly the same BUT i go there because I WANT 2, not being forced, 2 day it was decided to be FOUR long HOURS !!!
8.30 till 12.30 (a.m-p.m). So i went in through the dependant Rapid KL, class went on, we learned about weasel words which are words which tell the buyer certain things but they dont promise you anything. Like some pain killers, HELP
RELIEVE pain, why RELEIVE ? why not CURE ? another example, 60% more whitening power than regular toothpaste (what is REGULAR toothepaste ????). SO i recomend my friends read what they are buying, our teacher wanted us 2 test out this weasel words and products.

SO we went 2 a nearby shop (SRI KOTA located in BRICKFIELDS) 2 test it. 1st the 4 of us (including the teahcer went in) then I went up and began writing down information.

I went upstaris to where the toothpaste was and started

I WAS ACTUALLY QUESTIONED WHAT i was WRITING !!!! Some lady come up to me and asked, apa kamu salin (what are you copying)

i replied = informasi produk sahaja ( just the product information)

she said= tak boleh salin apa-apa di sini (you CANNOT copy anything here)

So, i went down and told my teacher. She sadi never mind and said to check downstairs for anything. So i continued

My friend David, and teacher

AND AGAIN ! SOME low class worker told his UPPER MANAGEMENT what i was doing and he came and QUESTIONED ME (his name is Jack)

Jack= What are you doing

Ashvin= Writing product information

Jack= Why

Ashvin= Just to see the words that advertisers use in their products

Jack= You cannot do this you know ? WHO gave you the authority ?

Ashvin= Im doing it for a tuition class

then I led him to the teacher,

suddenly he became diplomatic saying sorry we cannot allow you to do this, i understand you doing it for educational purposes, but later my upper management will scold us for letting you do so

my teacher said we are not going to publish anything, they are just gathering information. Then he said sorry cannot, sorry.

At that point i got fed up and went out of the shop and headed back to the class. All on a Sunday....

After class took the bus home,
WHile waiting i killed the time by doing the stupidest thing, i put my 10 sen coin ad pressed it on the rail of the bus stop to absorb heat ! i was SO Bored, i startd fiddling with the coin and it ended up literally going down the drain

ironically Brickfields is famous for having NO BUS STOP as drivers LOVE to park where the buses turn to pick up passengers, the bus stops half way on the road, and the passengers have to go across the road and get in.

Went home and on the way saw an interesting but usual sight


I just thought Guantanamo Bay from Harold and Kumar 2 Escape from Guantanamo Bay wasnt real but i was wrong !

The Cubans gave it to the Americans

Thursday, October 2, 2008

testing testing 3.2.1

Holidayness, was holidaying
holidaying peacefully,
Ohh, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all my Islam readers
I spent the day visiting my grandparetns and parents close malay friends house

The lady on the right is the middle guy's wife (NZ person, go figure)

Raya FooD

Raya Food AgaiN

LOL , raya visiting makes my face look bloated!

so i visited them, my malay friends damn lebih never invite me 2 rumah terbuka, joking, joking. then i spent the rest od the day sleeping, watching naruto, and surfing the web

after a while i decided to see some of the features of my very outdated, big keypad , sexy phone, some pics didnt come out so i delelted them the rest are me posing like im studying and a RubiX

Super BiX


