Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Megamall daY

Lolz, had a weird conflict this morning whether 2 go to megamall as i planned or go for basketball, so i decided the best thing for this, sleep! i woke up having 2 move my stuff around cos the guys with the pesticides were coming for the once in 4 months spraying of the chemicals,after that my dad asked me whether i wanted 2 go 2 megamall, it seems the Man upstairs has a weird sense of helping me out, i actually planned a long time ago that i was going spend the day morning 2 evening at megamall but instead i went in the afternoon around 2 expecting 2 go back at 5.30 but went back at 10.10. -.- i wanted 2 see a movie but i thought i didnt have enough time, i spent the day at MPH bookstores reading Zits thank you Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman for this hilarious comic. back2 the story, i was reading 3 books of zits around 400 pages! until i got a bit bored so i went 2 carefour and browsed as well as speedy looking for some bday gifts for some ppl but nothing seemed 2 pop out, there was a CD at speedy but it costs abt rm50 so i might have 2 ask some ppl 2 share the $ with me, anyway i returned 2 MPH and continued reading Zits when u say Marissa who stopped and said hello, the moment she left it had me thinking my social skills are lacking so i think ill be trying 2 improve that. i then read the asterix omnibus, a tales from the crypt keeper book, and then some more zits comics, basically i read for 6 hours

i read so mindlessly that i was so sleepy yet i managed, i saw some weird book and got a pic

not the normal kind, i mean its the first time i noticed it was there, you know the round ones you find in shows or comics

I also got scammed at some new air freshener for my room, i thought it was 4 bucks but it was 10!