Saturday, July 11, 2009

Songs to hear NOW!

These few songs have been rocking in my head and they are awesome songs,

Scream by Zac Efron in HSM3
I have always like the solo songs by Zac cos their all the songs that kinda make you feel a but hyper like Bet on it, the other song they kept repeating which i cant seem to remember the title


Touch My Hand by David Archuleta
not a huge archie fan but this song is awesome


No Surprise by Daughtry
this song was co-written by Chad Kroeger (lead singer of Nickelback) which made this song a SmasH


Love Drunk by Boys Like Girls
My sis got me hooked to it =D
i love the line
id love you forever,
forever is over.

now these two albums are some i have not mentioned due to my supreme laziness but i shall mntion them now, one by the smooth talking Rap King, Eminem with his album

now his song We Made You Has an AMAZING and HILARIOUS Parody video which countlessly glued me to the screen to watch it so i suggest going 2 youtube and watching it now!

and another by the soft, strong and Powerful Rob Thomas and his new album Cradlesong

I Really prefer when his hair was short,
now i have been a huge rob thomas and matchbox 20 fan
still listen to Lonely No More, Unwell, Bent, If your Gone and others
so looking forward to listening 2 the whole album
(Its already out)

So you know i updated the mixpod a bit to play some of these songs !
