Sunday, July 5, 2009

A bit of after SPM plan !

Well, after SPM theres a lotta things im planning 2 do,
the no 1 on that list is to get a job, multiple jobs if necessary to make some thousands of ringgit , or a hundred pounds, whichever makes us feel better,
im in a third world country (Quoted from Ricky Gervais)

well i have a plan on what to buy and no 1 on that list is


Canon Powershot G10
now when it comes to cameras i like the DSLR as the next guy but am a bit too lazy to be lugging it around so i decided to go compact

unfortunately, the price aint so compact, as today its price is
RM 2,068.00,
so itll take me a while,
counting the time ill be working
jobs i could get would prob be MINIMUM 4 an hour, (4 is minimum wage)
so rm4 X 8 hours = rm 32,
1 week = 7 X32 = 224
1 month = 224 X 4 = 896
2 months =896 X 2 = NOT ENOUGH!
so ill be doing the side job of helping Mr. Wang selling his camera pens if necessary

so look out world, but for now tis SPM
FOr thou art pushing up my stress level,
even though im not doing anything